1. How Sucrose is Absorbed by the Human Body

We obtain sugar, mainly Sucrose(S), from food. As Sucrose enters the small intestine, it is broken down by the digestive enzyme Sucrase(C) into Glucose(G) and Fructose(F). Insulin will then be secreted by the body to effectuate the absorption of Glucose into the blood cells.






2. How Rare Sugar Reduces Sugar Intake

Before the enzyme Sucrase starts decomposing Sucrose, our Rare Sugar ingredients interact first with the enzyme, effectively Blocking the Breakdown of Sucrose into Glucose and Fructose and successfully inhibiting the absorption of sugar by our body! The unabsorbed Sucrose then enters the large intestine directly and is excreted naturally out of the human body. As a result, the amount of sugar content we absorb from food is significantly reduced!






The unabsorbed sucrose will enter the large intestine directly, providing nutrition for the probiotics living there and thus promoting gut health.

Now will our Rare Sugar be absorbed by the human body? Although rare sugar is also a monosaccharide, it has a unique molecular structure which is different from that of glucose and fructose. Scientific experiments(3),show that only 20% to 30% of rare sugar will be absorbed by the human body. Consequently, a big portion will not be absorbed but excreted naturally out of the human body, thereby significantly reducing sugar intake from our daily meals!




(3) Laerke, Helle, et al. D-Tagatose has Low Small Intestinal Digestibility but High Large Intestinal

Fermentability in Pigs. Journal of Nutrition. 1999 May;129(5):1002-1009.